( ! ) Warning: compact(): Undefined variable $extras in /u2/websites/marathi-uat.webdunia.com/library/Zend/View/Helper/HeadLink.php on line 393
Call Stack
10.0001360272{main}( ).../bootstrap.php:0
20.28493540384Zend_Application->run( ).../bootstrap.php:69
30.28493540384Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run( ).../Application.php:366
40.28493540384Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( $request = ???, $response = ??? ).../Bootstrap.php:97
50.29393571960Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch( $request = class Zend_Controller_Request_Http { protected $_dispatched = TRUE; protected $_module = 'core'; protected $_moduleKey = 'module'; protected $_controller = 'static'; protected $_controllerKey = 'controller'; protected $_action = 'content'; protected $_actionKey = 'action'; protected $_params = ['module' => 'core', 'controller' => 'static', 'action' => 'content', 'page' => 'contact-us']; protected $_paramSources = [0 => '_GET', 1 => '_POST']; protected $_requestUri = '/contact-us'; protected $_baseUrl = ''; protected $_basePath = NULL; protected $_pathInfo = '/contact-us'; protected $_rawBody = NULL; protected $_aliases = [] }, $response = class Zend_Controller_Response_Http { protected $_body = []; protected $_exceptions = []; protected $_headers = []; protected $_headersRaw = []; protected $_httpResponseCode = 200; protected $_isRedirect = FALSE; protected $_renderExceptions = FALSE; public $headersSentThrowsException = TRUE } ).../Front.php:954
60.29403572280Zend_Controller_Action->__construct( $request = class Zend_Controller_Request_Http { protected $_dispatched = TRUE; protected $_module = 'core'; protected $_moduleKey = 'module'; protected $_controller = 'static'; protected $_controllerKey = 'controller'; protected $_action = 'content'; protected $_actionKey = 'action'; protected $_params = ['module' => 'core', 'controller' => 'static', 'action' => 'content', 'page' => 'contact-us']; protected $_paramSources = [0 => '_GET', 1 => '_POST']; protected $_requestUri = '/contact-us'; protected $_baseUrl = ''; protected $_basePath = NULL; protected $_pathInfo = '/contact-us'; protected $_rawBody = NULL; protected $_aliases = [] }, $response = class Zend_Controller_Response_Http { protected $_body = []; protected $_exceptions = []; protected $_headers = []; protected $_headersRaw = []; protected $_httpResponseCode = 200; protected $_isRedirect = FALSE; protected $_renderExceptions = FALSE; public $headersSentThrowsException = TRUE }, $invokeArgs = ['prefixDefaultModule' => TRUE, 'registry' => class Zend_Registry { private ${ArrayObject}storage = [...] }, 'bootstrap' => class Bootstrap { protected $_application = class Zend_Application { ... }; protected $_classResources = [...]; protected $_container = class Zend_Registry { ... }; protected $_environment = NULL; protected $_optionKeys = [...]; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_pluginLoader = class Zend_Loader_PluginLoader { ... }; protected $_pluginResources = [...]; protected $_run = [...]; protected $_started = [...]; protected $_appNamespace = FALSE; protected $_resourceLoader = NULL }] ).../Standard.php:281
70.29463580552Core_StaticController->init( ).../Action.php:133
80.29463580560Site_Helper_SiteConfig->initSite( ).../StaticController.php:19
90.29523588888Site_Helper_SiteConfig->loadControllerFiles( ).../SiteConfig.php:37
100.29553603856Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink->__call( $method = 'appendStylesheet', $args = [0 => '/include/_mod/site/css/apps_style.css'] ).../SiteConfig.php:791
110.29553604528Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink->createDataStylesheet( $args = [0 => '/include/_mod/site/css/apps_style.css'] ).../HeadLink.php:164
120.29553604936compact( $var_name = 'rel', $var_names = 'type', 'href', 'media', 'conditionalStylesheet', 'extras' ).../HeadLink.php:393
Contact Us | Webdunia Marathi
( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "rightcheck" in /u2/websites/marathi-uat.webdunia.com/library/Site/HomePage/Processor.php on line 59
Call Stack
10.0001360272{main}( ).../bootstrap.php:0
20.28493540384Zend_Application->run( ).../bootstrap.php:69
30.28493540384Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run( ).../Application.php:366
40.28493540384Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( $request = ???, $response = ??? ).../Bootstrap.php:97
50.29393571960Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch( $request = class Zend_Controller_Request_Http { protected $_dispatched = TRUE; protected $_module = 'core'; protected $_moduleKey = 'module'; protected $_controller = 'static'; protected $_controllerKey = 'controller'; protected $_action = 'content'; protected $_actionKey = 'action'; protected $_params = ['module' => 'core', 'controller' => 'static', 'action' => 'content', 'page' => 'contact-us']; protected $_paramSources = [0 => '_GET', 1 => '_POST']; protected $_requestUri = '/contact-us'; protected $_baseUrl = ''; protected $_basePath = NULL; protected $_pathInfo = '/contact-us'; protected $_rawBody = NULL; protected $_aliases = [] }, $response = class Zend_Controller_Response_Http { protected $_body = []; protected $_exceptions = []; protected $_headers = []; protected $_headersRaw = []; protected $_httpResponseCode = 200; protected $_isRedirect = FALSE; protected $_renderExceptions = FALSE; public $headersSentThrowsException = TRUE } ).../Front.php:954
60.29673622512Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch( $action = 'contentAction' ).../Standard.php:308
70.29683625184Core_StaticController->contentAction( ).../Action.php:516
80.33223683560Site_HomePage_Processor->getRightBarByPageUrl( $pageUrl = '/static-pages/' ).../StaticController.php:39
90.33223683560Site_HomePage_Processor->getRightBarByCatId( $categoryId = '1030000000', $themeId = ??? ).../Processor.php:347

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