1. लाईफस्टाईल
  2. आरोग्य
  3. घरचा वैद्य
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Last Modified: मंगळवार, 27 फेब्रुवारी 2024 (05:01 IST)

( ! ) Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in /u2/websites/marathi-uat.webdunia.com/library/HTMLPurifier/TagTransform/Font.php on line 67
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120.91884405232include( '/u2/websites/marathi-uat.webdunia.com/application/modules/article/views/scripts/manager/theme6-article-content.php ).../View.php:108
130.91894405648HTMLPurifier->purify( $html = 'मानसिक आजारांवर ही 1 औषधी गुणकारी, शरीराची कार्यक्षमता ही वाढते', $config = ??? ).../theme6-article-content.php:120
140.91914407656HTMLPurifier_Generator->__construct( $config = class HTMLPurifier_Config { public $version = '4.4.0'; public $autoFinalize = TRUE; protected $serials = ['Core' => FALSE, 'HTML' => FALSE, 'Cache' => FALSE, 'AutoFormat' => FALSE]; protected $serial = NULL; protected $parser = NULL; public $def = class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { public $defaults = [...]; public $defaultPlist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; public $info = [...] }; protected $definitions = ['HTML' => class HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition { ... }]; protected $finalized = TRUE; protected $plist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { protected $data = [...]; protected $parent = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; protected $cache = NULL }; private $aliasMode = NULL; public $chatty = TRUE; private $lock = 'HTML' }, $context = class HTMLPurifier_Context { private $_storage = [] } ).../HTMLPurifier.php:127
150.91914407656HTMLPurifier_Config->getHTMLDefinition( $raw = ???, $optimized = ??? ).../Generator.php:65
160.91914407656HTMLPurifier_Config->getDefinition( $type = 'HTML', $raw = FALSE, $optimized = FALSE ).../Config.php:330
170.91974428960HTMLPurifier_Definition->setup( $config = class HTMLPurifier_Config { public $version = '4.4.0'; public $autoFinalize = TRUE; protected $serials = ['Core' => FALSE, 'HTML' => FALSE, 'Cache' => FALSE, 'AutoFormat' => FALSE]; protected $serial = NULL; protected $parser = NULL; public $def = class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { public $defaults = [...]; public $defaultPlist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; public $info = [...] }; protected $definitions = ['HTML' => class HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition { ... }]; protected $finalized = TRUE; protected $plist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { protected $data = [...]; protected $parent = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; protected $cache = NULL }; private $aliasMode = NULL; public $chatty = TRUE; private $lock = 'HTML' } ).../Config.php:413
180.91974428960HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition->doSetup( $config = class HTMLPurifier_Config { public $version = '4.4.0'; public $autoFinalize = TRUE; protected $serials = ['Core' => FALSE, 'HTML' => FALSE, 'Cache' => FALSE, 'AutoFormat' => FALSE]; protected $serial = NULL; protected $parser = NULL; public $def = class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { public $defaults = [...]; public $defaultPlist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; public $info = [...] }; protected $definitions = ['HTML' => class HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition { ... }]; protected $finalized = TRUE; protected $plist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { protected $data = [...]; protected $parent = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; protected $cache = NULL }; private $aliasMode = NULL; public $chatty = TRUE; private $lock = 'HTML' } ).../Definition.php:45
190.91974428960HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition->processModules( $config = class HTMLPurifier_Config { public $version = '4.4.0'; public $autoFinalize = TRUE; protected $serials = ['Core' => FALSE, 'HTML' => FALSE, 'Cache' => FALSE, 'AutoFormat' => FALSE]; protected $serial = NULL; protected $parser = NULL; public $def = class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { public $defaults = [...]; public $defaultPlist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; public $info = [...] }; protected $definitions = ['HTML' => class HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition { ... }]; protected $finalized = TRUE; protected $plist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { protected $data = [...]; protected $parent = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; protected $cache = NULL }; private $aliasMode = NULL; public $chatty = TRUE; private $lock = 'HTML' } ).../HTMLDefinition.php:166
200.91974428960HTMLPurifier_HTMLModuleManager->setup( $config = class HTMLPurifier_Config { public $version = '4.4.0'; public $autoFinalize = TRUE; protected $serials = ['Core' => FALSE, 'HTML' => FALSE, 'Cache' => FALSE, 'AutoFormat' => FALSE]; protected $serial = NULL; protected $parser = NULL; public $def = class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { public $defaults = [...]; public $defaultPlist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; public $info = [...] }; protected $definitions = ['HTML' => class HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition { ... }]; protected $finalized = TRUE; protected $plist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { protected $data = [...]; protected $parent = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; protected $cache = NULL }; private $aliasMode = NULL; public $chatty = TRUE; private $lock = 'HTML' } ).../HTMLDefinition.php:190
210.92154655496HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy->setup( $config = class HTMLPurifier_Config { public $version = '4.4.0'; public $autoFinalize = TRUE; protected $serials = ['Core' => FALSE, 'HTML' => FALSE, 'Cache' => FALSE, 'AutoFormat' => FALSE]; protected $serial = NULL; protected $parser = NULL; public $def = class HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema { public $defaults = [...]; public $defaultPlist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; public $info = [...] }; protected $definitions = ['HTML' => class HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition { ... }]; protected $finalized = TRUE; protected $plist = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { protected $data = [...]; protected $parent = class HTMLPurifier_PropertyList { ... }; protected $cache = NULL }; private $aliasMode = NULL; public $chatty = TRUE; private $lock = 'HTML' } ).../HTMLModuleManager.php:248
220.92154655496HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTMLAndHTML4->makeFixes( ).../Tidy.php:41
230.92154655496HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::autoload( $class = 'HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Font' ).../XHTMLAndHTML4.php:12